Having to make changes while planning an event is almost inevitable.
Such changes must, of course, also be included in the event plan so people involved will be informed.
But how do you edit the event schedule quickly and easily?
Step 1: Click on planning (in the blue menu bar).
Step 2: Click on the event of which you want to edit the schedule
Step 3: You can make adjustments in the events overview. For example, you can add packages and products to the event by clicking on 'add package' and 'add product'.
You can add products to products that are not linked to one activity, such as room rental or a beamer. These products are used in the room all day.
Below the section mentioned above, you can add activities by pressing the '+ add activity' button. Such activities are the various parts of the event. Corresponding products are attached to an activity. Timeframes of activities can be changed by either using the timeline on top of the script view or by selecting the time mentioned in the activity block itself.
There is also another schedule view available. Click on the right overview button, as can be seen on the image below. A timeline overview is shown in which you can easily move or extend activity timeframes by clicking and dragging the bars.