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Tips for quotes
Dennis de Kort avatar
Written by Dennis de Kort
Updated over a week ago

The (new) digital quote offers a variety of new possibilities compared to the traditional quote. Below you can find such possibilities.

Quickly generated, quick response

These days, clients expect a quick response, but also agree faster. Thus, it is important that you come up with a proposal quickly. MICE Operations ensures that a request (via the widget or manually created event) can be directly converted into a quote that can be send out in no time. Optionally, you can still edit the quotation manually.

Online signing vs. read, print, sign, scan and send

The long waiting game for receiving an official agreement is over. The client is able to immediately sign the quote digitally. Previously, a client had to read, sign, scan and send a quote. MICE's digital quote minimizes the client's time and effort to sign a quote

Add a video

Audio and moving graphics always work well to convey a certain atmosphere. Therefore, we recommend adding videos to your quote.


The digital quote uses tabs to present information in a structured manner, providing overview and peace of mind. Make sure essential elements of the quote are not surrounded by much other content as this creates distraction.

Print view

Less than 20% of clients are still exporting quotations to a .pdf file. Mainly specific pages are exported. The quotation is exported to an A4 sheet size, depending on the quotation's settings. Because of this, the generated .pdf file quite often looks different than the original quotation.

At MICE, we decided to exclude .pdf files from e-mails. This is shown directly in the inbox overview in many mailboxes and also leads to conversion and speed losses. Excessively large attachments also cause e-mails not to arrive in certain e-mail software or highly secure corporate environments.

Add links instead of attachments

Any attachment makes an e-mail more likely to be marked as junk mail (spam) by emailservers. This is especially true when a message is sent out frequently and always looks the same. Because of this reason, we recommend putting links to files in your message or quote instead of adding files as attachments.

Mobile version

Last but not least, the digital quotation is also available in mobile version. These days, most emails are opened using a mobile phone (smartphone). The quotation can be viewed instantly.

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