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Create a (multi-day) event

In this article we give tips on how to create a multi-day event.

Dennis de Kort avatar
Written by Dennis de Kort
Updated over 10 months ago

Check availability

Check availability by going to the occupancy display in the schedule:

Create an event (via occupancy view)

We recommend using the occupation view to create an event so that the event is immediately scheduled at a location.

Click the 'plus' icon at the (first) day of the event. This only works for a future date or today.

You will now see a screen where you can enter basic event information.

Make sure you have selected the client's language. Also, enter the client (such as company name and perhaps invoice details) and the contact person (can be more than one).

This takes you to the event dashboard.

Event dashboard

On the right side of the screen you switch between two different dashboard views; an activity view and a timeline view.

Select packages

Start arranging the event by selecting a package. Packages are pre-saved activities containing products. These products are automatically added to the event. You can select more than one package.

Add activities
On the timeline, you can add an activity by clicking on the right time. You can adjust the length of the activities manually or by using the arrow keys.

Add products

Clicking on add products will take you to the product catalogue, which contains all the products in the system (you can also filter products).

The option suggestions is shown if a package has been added to the event. Such suggestions are products that are often added to a particular activity.

Edit products and packages
By clicking on the 'pen icon' you can change the product name, description and long description. You can also change the price. Please note! Do this with similar products only. Only the original product and package are shown in reports.

Add locations
You can add locations in various ways, either by clicking an empty timeline to create an activity, or by clicking on the location name in an existing activity.

Then you can change the location. The different locations indicate whether the set-up is suitable for the location and whether an event is already taking place at the location.

Create a multi-day event

To create a multi-day event, you can add more days to an event. This way, all days are eventually on one combined quotation and invoice.

Rather wish to present every day on a separate quotation and invoice? Then create an event for each day separately.

Duplicate day
If you have a multi-day event in which the days' structure is roughly identical, you can duplicate a day.

To do this, click on the day you want to duplicate and click on the 3 dots next to the date. Then click on Duplicate day.

Duplicated days are placed after the last day.

Edit event days

It is now possible to process multi-day events consisting of divergent event days. You are able to edit the date of one or more event days so you can skip days in between.

To do this, click on the 3 dots next to the day you want to edit. Select 'edit day'.

Note that with such multi-day events, the days are all added to one quote and invoice. If you wish to have a multi-day event with a separate quote and invoice per event day, you should create separate events.

The next step is to send out a quotation. Access the relevant article via the link below.

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