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Multiple events on one quotation

How to send one quotation including several events?

Tjeu Hendrickx avatar
Written by Tjeu Hendrickx
Updated over 3 years ago

Do you want to add multiple events to a quotation? We offer two possibilities. Option 1 applies a new function. In Mice, you are now able to delete days between events spread over multiple days which can then be added to one quotation, invoice or other documentation. Events with divergent days? We advise you to go to option 2.

Option 1: Skip days between events

This is applicable on multiday events. You can delete days from a series (as shown in image below). Remaining days/events can now be added to one quotation.
​Pay attention! The events are also simultaneously presented in other documents, such as invoices or schedules.

Option 2: Divergent event days

If you have events spread out on several divergent days, we recommend to create several (separate) events. This allows you to generate event specific schedules.

What we recommend:

  • Create one event and duplicate it to all days.

  • Create the quotation in the first event including the total costs

  • Manually add event days in the quotation

  • (Day) program of events identical? Of course you can add this day program and indicate that this is the day program


It is possible to get several events onto one invoice. More information.

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