In order to work properly with MICE, it is important that all settings are set correctly. Within MICE, the settings are divided into 6 categories:
Company details
Event types
Cancel reasons
Go to settings by clicking on setup (the gear icon) in the top right corner. At the top of the left-hand menu, you will see settings including the categories shown underneath.
But what are they all about? And what is important to know?
Company details
This is where you set all your company's details, such as: language, price display, company name, quotation period, and general terms and conditions.
It is important that you fill in this data correctly in order to work optimally with MICE.
The general terms and conditions of your own organisation are sent along with the quotations and can also be consulted in the application module. We strongly advise you to make the general terms and conditions available.
Event types
Here you can set which events you, as a company, offer to your clients. Here, it is important to include all event types so that clients have a good overview of what they are able to organise at your company.
Cancel reasons
You can also add cancellation reasons. When an event is subsequently cancelled by the client, he or she can add a reason. As a company you can see what the events' main reasons of cancellation are in order to be able to react to it.
Here you fill in all the details that will appear on your invoice. For more information we advise you to read the following article: How to activate MICE invoicing.
If you feel a particular field is missing in MICE, you can create your own field at attributes. If you miss a field where you can spend your minimum amount, you can create that field here. When you save this field you will see it in your documentation and you can choose it as a variable. For more information click here.
Here you set which links you want to use in MICE. For more information per link we refer you to the next page.
To find out how MICE works with the GDPR rules, we refer you to the next page: MICE Opertations and GDPR.