Before you start:
There are two different task overviews:
The task list
The kanban overview
Switch between these overviews by using the buttons as shown below.
Creating new task/kanban boards
A kanban board clearly displays in which phase a task is currently in, which allows you to work out a full process.
You can create several kanban boards by clicking the 'plus' icon next to existing task boards (see image below)
After that, give the kanban board a name and enter the different stages.
After saving the board, it is now ready to use.
In the final kanban phase you finish the task.
Adding labels
You can easily find and organize tasks by using labels. Such labels can be added and assigned with a colour in the task (at new label). The colours are also shown in the overview.
Task features
Task name
Task description
Add attachment(s)
Kanban and stages
Assign to an assignee
Expiration date
Link to event, organization and contact person
Where to create tasks
1) In the task overview
Go to tasks via the main menu.
You can search and filter tasks based on:
event planner
2) In the event dashboard
Go to an event dashboard and select tasks.
Now you will see a task overview including tasks belonging specifically to the event. Click '+ New task' to create a new task in the task board. This task is linked automatically to the event and contact.
3) At a quotation, document or invoice
Select 'More' to create a new task
The document is now an attachment to the task.
4) While sending a quotation, document or invoice
Select the option at the bottom that appears when sending out a quotation, document or invoice.
The document is now an attachment to the task.
Expired tasks: archive
All tasks finished are in the final kanban phase. Do you want to delete such tasks from the overview? Select 'archive' (see image below).
Task notification email
As a user it is possible to receive a daily notification email containing all tasks linked to you as a user. Every morning, an email is sent including tasks planned for today and expired tasks. Click here for more information.