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Crew user role
Tjeu Hendrickx avatar
Written by Tjeu Hendrickx
Updated over 2 months ago

The crew user role is currently activated upon request and is available with the MICE Regular and MICE Pro subscription (so not with MICE Start).

For certain employees, it is not necessary and sometimes even undesirable to change or have access to certain areas in your MICE system. For example, insights of prices, relations, invoices, et cetera. We now offer a solution for that. It is possible to assign the user role ‘crew’ to a user account. The crew role is specifically designed for employees that need limited access to your organisation's MICE account.


As mentioned above, users assigned with the crew role have limited access to your MICE account. Crew role users can only view particular sections, but cannot edit any information. Users with the crew role can:

  1. View the planning*

  2. View personal tasks

*By using labels, you decide which working lists the crew have access to (view only). Read more about this below.


Via setup > users you can assign the crew role to existing or new user accounts.


Below the user roles, you can find 'teams'. Here, you can add labels (see image below). By assigning labels to a crew's user account, you add the user (account) to a certain team. You can add these labels to custom planning views and task boards as well. This determines to which custom planning views or task boards certain teams have access to.

1. (Custom) planning views

While creating or editing a (custom) planning view, you can now decide if crew role user accounts have access to the working list. The crew role users can view the working list, but cannot edit or click on events to open these.

Select which teams have access to the working list. For example, did you create a working list particularly for kitchen personnel? Select the team 'kitchen'. Now only crew role users assigned to the kitchen team will have access to the working list.

To keep overview, administrators always have access to all working lists.

1.1 Visible files

It is possible to determine whether quotes, documents, invoices and attachments are visible at the working list's settings. Invoices are never visible for crew users.

The crew can only view the following files:

  • Last approved quote

  • Published and offered documents

  • Attachments

2. Tasks

It is possible to assign tasks to crew role user accounts. The user can view his/her personal tasks but cannot edit any information. However, the user can move the task to another stage of the task board.

While creating or editing a task board, you can determine which crew teams can access this task board. For example, did you create a task board specifically for kitchen personnel? Select the team 'kitchen'. Now only crew role users assigned to the kitchen team will have access to the task board.

To keep overview, administrators always have access to all task boards.

Instructions for new crew users

Do you have staff who will get the crew role but have not worked with MICE before? In the following article, we introduce the system for new crew users. Click here

Interested in this feature? Send us a message via the chat so we can activate it for your account.

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