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Why is my email marked as spam?
Tjeu Hendrickx avatar
Written by Tjeu Hendrickx
Updated over a year ago

It is possible to add attachments to messages sent from MICE. Think of an image or document you would like to attach.

Message marked as spam

It is always difficult to say why something ends up in the spam folder. There is no one specific reason and often it is a combination of factors. To prevent more spam, mail programmes also do not specifically indicate why mails are marked as spam. Nevertheless, there are plenty of known causes that significantly increase the chances of a message being marked as spam. Here are some tips!


Use links instead of attachments

E-mail services regularly block messages with too many or too large attachments and mark them as unwanted e-mail (spam). As a result, the message ends up in the junk mail folder with the possible consequence that the contact person deletes the email or never reads it.

We recommend putting the content of the attachment in the cloud (e.g. Google Drive) or on your website and then generating a shareable link that you place in the message. This way, you can forward this link more often, find the information quickly in the cloud or on your website and increase the chance that the e-mail will end up in the recipient's regular inbox.

Be aware of the organization type the recipient works at

Especially organizations such as banks, lawyer and government agencies, often have very strict security measures set up in their mail server to block unwanted files/attachments. Attachments in emails addressed to contacts working at such organisations are often removed from the email (the email usually does arrive). Be aware the delivery rate can differ when you communicate with such organizations.

Small file sizes by default

Make sure your files, such as general terms and conditions, have a small file size. Large files are way more likely to be marked as spam.

Message with little text

Actual spam are often small messages with little text. Mail programmes are therefore alert to this type of message. It is therefore advisable to add enough text to your messages. Think about at least 20 words.

Impersonal message

A spam message is often sent out in bulk and is therefore not personalised and not unique. Personal details of the recipient are often missing in spam messages. Because of this reason, we recommend making messages as personalised as possible, for example by adding variables for the recipient. Each message is then also unique (since it contains different personal data), which means that the exact same message will not be sent from your system every time, which in turn increases the chance of spam marking.

Support for spam messages

We can sometimes find why a specific mail has been marked as spam in a delivery report. For this, we need to receive the mail as an attachment. In mail programmes, it is possible to 'forward a mail as attachment' (instructions are dependent on the email software). If necessary, ask the customer to do this and forward the message to us via e-mail so that we can analyse the delivery report.

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