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Configurable products (PRO)
Tjeu Hendrickx avatar
Written by Tjeu Hendrickx
Updated over 2 years ago

MICE Pro users can use configurable products. A general product is created to which you can add choices and products. After that, you can select choices after the product is added to an event.

Pay attention! Keep in mind that all added products are covered by the main (the congifurable) product. This means that in reports and schedules only the configurable product is registered, so not the products added as choices. In case you specifically want to register every product it is better to create individual products.

Creating a configurable product

Step 1: Go to setup and click products in the left hand side menu.

Step 2: Add a new product. Enter a product name.

Step 3: Below 'choices', click add choice.

Step 4: Enter a choice description (e.g. 'starter')

Step 5: Add products to the choice (e.g. 'soup', 'baguette', 'carpaccio') and enter product prices.

Step 6: Repeat step 4 and 5 if you want to add more choices and products.

Configurable product in an event

Go to an event and add the configurable product to an activity (or full day). After that, you can pick choices by clicking 'change choices' (shown below the product name).

A new window (see image below) opens in which you can pick one or more choices.

After the choices are selected and saved, the product prices are automatically added up to the total event price.

Configurable products in a quote (schedule)

Selected choice are always visible below the product name in a schedule (see image below) and are not linked to the schedule's settings.

In case the long product description is selected in the schedule's settings, the standard view as shown in the image above will expire. The choices are now added to the long product description (below the description).

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