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Implementation step-by-step plan
Tjeu Hendrickx avatar
Written by Tjeu Hendrickx
Updated over a week ago

Getting started implementing your MICE account? Then follow the steps in this article to fully set up your system with all the necessary data. Each step has a reference to instructional videos and/or in-depth articles on the relevant part.

It is important to follow the order of these steps during implementation. Why? There are certain dependencies between different components and they are also reflected in this order.

1. Company settings (company & identity)

First, get started with your company and identity details.

  • Enter your general email address where your team can be reached.

  • Set your default VAT mode. Here you choose whether you want to manage products including or excluding VAT. Learn more about VAT settings

  • Add your company logo and a main image. These will be displayed at the top of your digital offers.

  • Add an accent colour, an extra personal touch to your quotes, request module and account.

  • Add a document containing your terms and conditions.

2. Event types

Add all types of events for which you welcome your guests. With event types, you structure your system and offerings. Some examples of event types are: a meeting, a wedding, a company party or a conference. Learn more about adding event types

This is an essential part of the step-by-step plan. Every new event you create in MICE always asks for an event type (mandatory field). Your offer is also presented in the request widget based on the event type entered by the client. In addition, in reports you can ultimately see in detail which types of events are taken up frequently or infrequently.

3. Setups & locations


Add all locations. These are rooms/spaces of your event location. More information about adding venues

By adding locations, halls and/or rooms, you can allocate events to a location so that it is always clear where events are taking place. In the planning you have a good overview of the occupancy per location.


Add all possible set-ups in your rooms. Think for example of a U-shape, theatre or school setup. More information about adding setups

Adding set-ups allows you to see in the script per activity which set-up is applicable so that the operational team can prepare it. In addition, the client can indicate a desired set-up in the request module (optional) when selecting a location.

Set up capacity per location

Tip: First add setups and locations. Then, from the capacity matrix in management, you can easily set the capacity per set-up for each location.

4. Products & product categories


Next, you add products. Via an Excel file, you can import products so that your entire range is in MICE at once, with all the corresponding information, such as product descriptions and prices. More information about adding products

Product categories

By dividing products into product categories, you structure your range, present information per category and have insight into the turnover per category in reports.

We have listed the most common products and product categories in your system. Where necessary, you can edit or supplement them.

5. Packages

A package is a blueprint of an event. It is a standard schedule for a specific event which you can reuse over and over again, so that you do not always have to recreate the schedule for an event which is organised frequently. You put together a package by adding different activities and corresponding information. For each part of the event, you create an activity with the right start and end time and products to go with it.

Your packages form the basis of what is displayed in the request widget (continued in step 8) and what you can quickly retrieve in the event dashboard.

As soon as you add a package to an event, the blueprint (schedule) is automatically added to the event. In turn, the event schedule is then copied into the schedule in quotes and documents.

6. Templates

In MICE, you can create an infinite number of templates for documents and quotes. A template is a blueprint you can create for different documents and quotes that you can reuse. This allows you to have a template ready at the push of a button, which you can personalize (if necessary) and send for a specific meeting.

Tip: Prepare a quotation template for each event type. After all, a quotation for a wedding looks different from one for a meeting.

7. Request for proposal widget

The purpose of the request widget is that the client can submit a request via your website and immediately create a first draft of his/her event, which then arrives in your back office as a fully filled in event. It is always a non-binding request. The request widget does not show availability, unlike a booking widget (which regularly leads to conversion loss if there is no available offer). Learn more about setting up the request module

Do you still receive a request that does not fit into your occupancy? As an event planner, you can often offer a nice alternative. That way, the client still organises an event with you instead of the competitor.

8. Invite colleagues

Collaboration is what MICE is all about, so invite your colleagues immediately. Add your colleagues' e-mail addresses so they receive an invitation (by e-mail) and access to your system. They can start using MICE right away!

By assigning user roles to a user, you determine which authorisations this colleague has within your system. Learn more about user roles

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